ECFA-UK Meeting on UK studies for the European Strategy Particle Physics Update

calendar09:00 Monday, 23 September 2024 to 17:00 Thursday, 26 September 2024

Organised by ECFA-UK and IPPP, Durham, this workshop is intended to bring the community together for a physics (rather than strategic) focused workshop. This will discuss the major physics goals of the next decades of particle physics and encourage the UK contributions to analysis studies which can be submitted to the strategy process, either as individual studies, or as submissions by already-established consortia, or as inputs to the ECFA e+e- study (as an example).

ECFA-UK Meeting on UK studies for the European Strategy Particle Physics Update (23-26 September 2024): Overview · IPPP Conference Management System (Indico) (

ECFA-UK Meeting on UK studies for the European Strategy Particle Physics Update


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